Business Consulting For Trainers And Coaches

More registrations, more requests, more business

Are you a trainer, coach, or consultant looking to boost your bookings? Do you want to increase registrations for your workshops? You’ve come to the right place!

Together we will maximize your reach and achieve continuous growth. With customized strategies and proven methods, we will take your business to the next level.

With my many years of experience in marketing, project management and in an agile environment, I will help you to maximize your reach and achieve continuous growth. I combine in-depth marketing knowledge with years of practice in agile working and New Work. As part of the Management 3.0 team, I work closely with trainers worldwide and know exactly how to position yourself successfully and optimize social media strategies.

Thanks to my extensive knowledge of the workshop landscape and the changing L&D needs of large companies, I am the ideal partner to strengthen your presence and optimally market your offers. In addition, I am a trained Co-Active Coach and understand the specific challenges and opportunities in your industry.

My name is Nadine. I offer trainers, consultants and coaches support in setting up and expanding their business.

Success means something different to everyone. But no matter what it looks like for you, with my business consulting you will get closer to your goal:

✓ Develop a clear and personal vision for your business.

✓ Set attractive business goals and create a plan to achieve them.

✓ Find the right customers and tailor your offer to your skills.

✓ Create a balance between your professional success and your personal well-being.

✓ Develop strategies to meet and exceed your income goals.

✓ Optimize your processes and tools to achieve more while working less.

✓ I accompany you on your journey, motivate you and keep you on track.


Besoming a magnet

Identify your USP and your personal target group.

Social media as a sales channel

Optimizing your profiles and developing your strategy.

A website that gets found + sells!

Analyzing your website and leveraging its potential to be found.

Gaining visibility and network

Enabling guest appearances on podcasts and partnerships.

An irristible offer

Developing a holistic strategy for your personal brand.

Mindset work

Coaching sessions, because a business mindset is the key to successful selling.

Let’s Talk

Curious? Then let’s talk about how our collaboration could look

Competition is real.
As trainers and coaches, we all feel it.
Someone else offers the same workshops, the same services.
It can make you question your value.

“Am I just another option?”

But here’s the truth I’ve learned:
Competition isn’t the issue.
Comparability is.

Many can offer what you do.
But no one can deliver it the way you can.

Your experience, your insights, your unique approach—these are what set you apart.
It’s not just about the content; it’s about how you bring it to life.
How you engage, inspire, and transform.

That’s where the magic happens.
And that’s what makes you irreplaceable.

Here’s a tip:
Take a step back and ask yourself, Who do I truly want to serve?
How can I make a difference for them?
When you align your passion with the right audience, your uniqueness shines.
And that’s what keeps you ahead of the game.